Data & Multimedia

Clips and collections

Coding and data are ever-evolving and forming a major part of modern journalism. I am always learning and practicing to stay up-to-date with new technologies to tell more compelling stories.

Find me on GitHub, CodePen, Tableau and SoundCloud.

“Demystifying Data”
— Bay City News Foundation, Summer 2022

Demystifying Data was a recurring series examining the numbers and statistics that buzz around the Bay Area, bringing context and expert input to the data in our everyday lives.

Read articles on the BCN website.

“Pandemic Puppy: Rachel Hedman raises new dog during shelter-in-place”
— Audio feature story, Spring 2020

While almost everyone is sheltering-in-place at home, many have felt that they have endless time with little to do. Rachel Hedman, a college student at Chico State University, solved her problem of boredom with a new puppy. The Hedmans' quarantined puppy-raising experience has been similar to many others, with a "pandemic pets" phenomenon that has filled many new homes with dogs and cats. Hedman tells us about the ups and downs of her time with Willa.

Listen to the spot here.

“The Social Tuition”
— North By Northwestern, Winter 2022

Design, layout and graphics

View on Issuu or web version.

“‘Cats climb together in new club on campus”
— Audio feature story, Winter 2022

Listen to the spot here.

“Bad & Boozy”
— North By Northwestern, Winter 2022

Design, layout and graphics

View on Issuu or web version.